
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I couldn’t tell ya how many times I’ve opened up my laptop and started this post. I have been trying so hard to find the words to share this exciting news with you, but it seems like I need to just come out and say it:

I’m moving to Guatemala! 

This is not a drill. Many of you know that I’ve been trying to move there since 2013, and its a request that God has consistently said “not yet” to until now. I have been drawn to the country since I first set foot there, but only recently did I have an understanding of what God desires to do through me in Guatemala.

A little over a year ago I became highly interested in unreached people groups (if you’re unfamiliar with that term, learn more at Joshua Project). Inside my head I started hearing the names of countries I didn’t know existed to research and pray for. I had beautiful dreams about welcoming brothers and sisters home. I didn’t know what it might look like for me, but I knew that I had to share the love of Jesus with those who’ve never heard his name. 

Afew months ago when I got home from squad leading, God brought Guatemala up. And I was honestly like, “what, really? There are like a million missionaries in that country. Its very kind of you to send me there but this doesn’t seem very effective, Lord.” Lol @ me criticizing the creator of the universe’s plans. On top of that, my heart was reluctant to receive this direction from God because it’s something I’ve wanted for so long, and I feared that I would begin pursuing it only to have him say “not yet” AGAIN. I feared disappointment. But I’ve learned to trust my gut for real, and I know when something is from God. I knew that I was headed to Guatemala, and probably soon, so I prayed and gathered information and asked my friends to pray with me.

“MAYBE,” I thought, “one day I’ll go to Guatemala and train and send Guatemalan missionaries to unreached people groups. That would be DOPE.” So this dream grew in me, and I found myself waiting for God to tell me when I could take a step toward it.

In June I was in Albania with J Squad for their final debrief. On the last day, I found out through social media that my friends who work at the Adventures base in Guatemala had been praying about the same dream God had planted in my heart. They were making plans to move toward it. I cried. And I knew that it was time to take the step I’d been praying about. 

So here I go y’all, let’s freaking do it! I’ll be going on a 3 month vision trip in February, and working with the church activation team at the Adventures base. After that, the plan is that I’ll come back to the states for a short time to raise support and officially launch long-term.

Six years ago I started support raising, and in that time God has provided and you have given $49,083. HOLY CANOLI that’s a lot. That’s only counting what’s gone onto my support page, it doesn’t even consider money given for flights, gear, and other personal needs. It’s safe to say that over $52,000 has been raised. As a long-term missionary I will be raising more funds than ever before, so I will need your support more than ever before. Please prayerfully consider joining my support team because I literally cannot do this without you. 

My first goal is to raise $4,500 to cover my vision trip. I am certain God will provide these funds and I hope you will join in being part of his provision. You can click the “Donate!” button above to make a contribution.

If you want to hear more or have any questions, hit me up for real. I am grateful for you!

xoxo, LeAnn


Just for fun, here are some of my fave pics from past trips to Guat:



7 responses to “I’m moving to Guatemala. This is not a drill.”

  1. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see you embark on this journey. Love you to the moon and back. ????????????

  2. Leann! I am SO Excited for you and I am SO proud of you for never giving up on your purpose and the dreams that God has placed on your heart! You are an example to follow and I can’t wait to see what God does in, and thru you in Guatemala! I love you!!!

  3. Leann!! So pumped for you!!
    I am so expectant of what the Lord is going to do in and through you in Guatemala.
    I LOVE the Joshua Project and the vision that the Lord has brought for you. Praying for you big!